woensdag 15 september 2010

Assignment 5 OV

I 'd like you to know that I've been struggling for over two weeks now with getting things done with my OV Chipcard. I've made several phone calls and have filled in and sent two forms already. These phone calls were the most frustrating. The people working at these call centres do simply not know anything about this Chipcard. Besides that, the people I spoke to were simply not qualified for the job. For example, the first time I called the help desk. When I was finished with telling him whats wrong with my OV Chipcard his reply was: "Could you call back later?". And I was like "Are you kidding me?!", "why!?". And than he just simply hung up on me. The next person I spoke to wasn't very helpful either, he told me to go to the OV desk at the central station but, that didn't get me any further either. Last Friday I finally received the correct form. I should receive my new OV Chipcard within a month. It won't be here any soon, that's for sure! Don't break or lose your OV Chipcard, it's a pain in the ass!!

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