maandag 6 september 2010

Assignment 1 Brand new

A new study! Till now I found the assignments very interesting! I feel like I've made the right decision by choosing Cooperative communications. Also the location of the school is perfect, I currently live in Driebergen which is very close to Utrecht. That's why I'll probably wait until next year with starting to live on my own in Utrecht. This year I had a lot of doubts about continuing with football, I found rowing very interesting but I decided to continue with football and I'm simply too busy to do both. At first I was a little surprised about the schedule, we've only got classes 3 days a week. Ofcourse I can't do nothing the rest of the week but, I like the freedom this has to offer. At the same time this freedom could be risky but, I think I'm well able to focus myself on my work when needed. I think I am because I'm much better prepared than I used to be. In the past my workspace was a mess and I used to wright things down as separate notes. Now I've organised my desk and I've made a map which has tabs for every class to wright things down. Besides that this study is much more in my interest than the one I chose Last year, which makes me willing to invest more time into it and make more of an effort. I'm looking forward to the coming year!

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